Friday, March 7, 2014

Blog Post #4-Seminar Project Planning

I designed and developed three DH projects in Spring I, 2014, MAE 213-Electrical Circuits Course under the category of simulations and visualizations. The objective of these projects is to use Multisim software simulation and Matlab software tools as DH tools (visualization /simulation) to solve electric circuits problems that require computer simulations and visualization will increase student’s understanding of electrical circuit theories and concepts. The advantage of this is that Multisim will help students visualize and simulate their electrical circuits problem schematically whereas Matlab helps students solve problems by simulating the working of the circuit itself. I had a plan to implement these projects in this semester. Due to cancellation of my class in this semester, I am unable to implement of this activity in my current MAE 213 class. Hopefully I will do so next semester.
Currently, I am teaching Statistics in this semester. Therefore, I am planning to create one project called ‘Global Warming’ in this semester in my statistic class using SPSS as a DH simulation tool.  This project will give students a chance to explore in detail some issues related to global warming such as CO2 (carbon dioxide) and CH4 (methane) emissions. Using green house gas emission data obtained from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), students will construct linear, quadratic, and multiple linear regression models using SPSS, and use a linear regression model to predict CO2 and CH4 emissions. This strategy will increase student’s understanding of statistical theories and concepts. 

Eventually, we can use Wordle and Voyant tools as text analysis tools in engineering and math classes for reading some particular topics in textbooks or technical papers, writing project reports, publishing the results of research in a journal, and, finally, presenting the research in national/international conferences.  Furthermore, students in these courses (i.e MAE 213, MAT 120 and MAT 096) are required to deposit their projects in E-portfolio. In this circumstance, students need to write a one or two page reflection about their project. Also, some students are eager to work and do some relevant research in the engineering field. I think these tools (Wordle, Voyant) would provide the students with an advantage to completing and rounding off their learning experience.


  1. Hi Zahidur- I’m sorry your class got cancelled- it sounds like the simulation/visualization tools would have been fun to work with (although I don’t know what they are…they “sound” fun!) I haven’t really spent time with the simulation tools but it seems like you have an understanding of how they enhance the learning experience. I do think the text analysis tools you mentioned for the reflection activity would be very useful when reading the technical papers and be used as prompts for writing their reflection responses.

  2. I would really like to see your simulations and visualizations in action. As an undergrad I took some Physics classes that involved electronics and circuits. I spent most of the class in a state of confusion. I would have liked to have had visualizations and simulations that I could experiment with in order to increase my intuition.

  3. I see the real possibilities here for reaching your students. Doing a word cloud analysis is a real way to spot trends in a field. I will get you some detailed printed feedback on 3/14 when the seminar next meets.

  4. The simulations sound really neat. Your Global Warming project sounds really creative too.
